Jan and Russ around Australia

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

We Weakened and Went Fishing Again!

Heading Out

Today was meant to be a day spent packing up, but the weather and water were perfect for fishing-so guess what we did? We went fishing of course and booked yet another night here so we can pack tomorrow. Packing is not too big a deal, but the boat needs to go back on the roof of the car, the trailer folded up and put on the back of the van, the back of the car cleaned out and a bit of washing (yucky smelly fishing clothes especially) done too.

It was absolutely the most beautiful day of all the ones we’ve had out today. The water was what they call “oily”-you know the glassy, still, like a mill-pond sort of look. It was like that out and back and we were able to really move today (doing the boats top speed of 40 nautical miles per hour) which was great fun. Unlike yesterday, we caught 11 huge fish-Russell catching the biggest, a 64cm Black Snapper and a Rankin cod. Even the fisheries and wildlife officer who came down to meet the boat and check our catch said Russ’s blacky was one of the biggest he has seen this year!
Our Neighbour Brice and the Second to Biggest Fish of the Day

The beautiful water made it really easy to spot heaps and heaps of dolphins, dugongs, schools of fish and a big green back turtle. We passed the turtle and it was funny to see him turn his head and look at us as we went on.

Brice, Russell and I ate one side of the cod cooked on the BBQ for dinner tonight and I think he was the best tasting of all our fishes so far. The BBQ’s are a good set up here. They are spread through out the park and you just go and get one and bring it back to your van to cook on. It lives out front your van until someone else needs it and carries it off. I think there are 3 on this level.


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