Jan and Russ around Australia

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Japanese Food in South Hedland

Last night we (Russ and I James and Beth) went out for dinner in South Hedland. We'd spotted a Japanese restaurant so thought we'd give it a try-the worst it could be was terrible!
Well, it was great. The four of us ordered 3 entrees, then just kept ordering different dishes until we couldn't eat any more. We had sushi, sashimi, spicy squid, prawns in egg gravy, pumpkin in sweet soy, miso soup, rice, more sashimi, chicken karage, mixed tempura and gingered beef-all really good, and the bill came to $55 per couple!
Then we went to the pub a cross the road-a real bloodhouse that's probably seen more than a few fights in its time. They were doubtful about letting Russ in in his Rivers thongs! We were apparently in the Saloon Bar where they need to "keep up a better standard". They need to start over I think!
James stated to talk to a guy at the bar and he turned out to have moved here 10 days ago from Warrnambool, so I went and had a long chat to him as he knew lots of people from the pub where I worked in town.
Leaving the pub, we almost ended up in a fight when a local thought a big mouth waiting for a taxi was with us. The local had his shirt off in the middle of the road when the big mouthed guy ran off. In the end, the local guy was showing us photos of his wife, kids and dog on his phone, so peace was restored. All in all an exciting night and a good place to never return to (th pub I mean).

Today we drove into town and took a couple of Ks walk on the beach a t pretty pool-which it is. Very nice at low tide as there are lots of shells and pretty things on the beach. But even the sand is brown! Then we did a bit of shopping to get us through the next few days in land and headed back to the park. I have the air conditioner on right now cooling the van down a little as it must be about 30c.


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