Jan and Russ around Australia

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tuesday September 12th Portsmouth to Wales

After a huge full English Breakfast (which pleased Mick a lot) we left for a drive to Stonehenge on the Salisbury plain stopping off at the ruined castle of Old Sarun on the way. Only the footings remain, but it was early morning with not many around and a good stop. We joined the English Heritage for a week too, so we had unlimited visits to any of their listed properties.

I've always been told that Stonehenge was a lot smaller than you imagine and a bit of a let down. None of us felt like that and I actually got goosebumps all over on the way in and out at exactly the same spot both ways-it was quite eerie. Once again we were relativly early and it wasn't too crowded (or maybe after the tourist spots of Europe we just expected larger crowds). Stonehenge was quite amazing and to me it is also a bit of an English icon.

We lunched in Bath, then took a good look around the city. I wish we could have stayed but it didn't seem as though it was going to work. As we were walking around, Mick got a call from Aus to say a good school mate had just been killed by a truck in Melbourne. That put a bit of a dampener on things for him so he headed back on the 4pm train from Bath to Wimbledon. Russ and I headed to South Wales. That's probably the last time we'll see him until Christmas next year. It was a bit sad, but at least he is off having fun (not like his mate).

Near Chepstow, we paid almost 5 pounds toll to cross an amazing bridge over the River Wye. We found a great little B&B in Chepstow right near the towns beautiful castle so decided to stay a couple of nights. We went for dinner at a pub right on the river where we sat outside for a drink before dinner. The river has a huge tide so most of the boats were sitting metres above the water in the mud. The oposite side of the river was England which was pretty amazing. Dinner upstairs (by an open window overlooking the river) was great-I had a Stilton and cauliflower soup followed by a perfectly cooked rump steak. We took along walk through town past the flood lit castle.


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