Jan and Russ around Australia

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Sunshine, Snorkeling, Sailing-We're Staying!

It’s Saturday and our last day in Coral Bay, except that we’ve decided to extend that another week! The weather has been perfect (a bit cloudy today though) and we can’t think of a good reason to race off from somewhere so nice. There are still fish to be caught, snorkeling to be done and the lovely warm (and usually pretty empty) salt water pool when the other stuff fails.

Yesterday we did as we’d planned and snorkeled, then went out on the big catamaran for a sunset sail. It was a bit rough snorkeling, but still pretty special-there are so many varieties, colours and sizes of fishes and corals. It’s unbelievable! And it’s all so close handy and free to do again tomorrow! And the water temperature is a hard to take 24c now it's winter here!
The sailing was wonderful too. Although we’ve been out on the same water, it was great in a large boat with a glass of wine in our hands, with someone else at the wheel! It was fun too to talk to the Kiwi deckhand John who came here for a few days and hasn’t left. He works on the boat, does dishes three nights at one of the two restaurants and also works on the quad bike tours. He gets fed at the restaurant, so eats steak on those nights and otherwise, catches fresh fish or crays. He didn’t think he ate seafood until he came here, but realizes he’d just never eaten fresh stuff.

We came home from sailing to find we had new neighbours-a couple of young (21 or 2ish) English girls travelling in a small mobile home. They have some young Scottish boys they’ve palled up with in the camping section so they came over too. We had a great talk about where we should go in the UK whilst we’re there. They have a year in Aus and love it-they love the conversion rate and the fact everything seems so cheap as well! Their motor home cost them $2000 for 43 days which they think is wonderful when the put it into pounds!


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