Jan and Russ around Australia

Monday, August 28, 2006


Today was spent driving from Innsbruck in Austria to Venice in Italy. It was a long day on the bus, with traffic on the auto bahn to Italy extremely slow in places. It was hot too as the sun streamed through the big windows. The bus is air conditioned, but it still got too warm.

The scenery was pretty amazing as we passed through the last of the Austrian Alps and then the Dolomite Mountains in Italy. Once again, lots of castles, trees, green hills and rivers. As we got further into Italy we passed lots of apples and pears, strawberry farms, then the vineyards began. As the vineyards started, the houses became more boxy and functional rather than fancy.

In Innsbruck I paid 5 francs for a lousy internet connection. When I got here, I found a fast free one, so I’ve finally e-mailed family and can post a few photos. Not too many though as there’s more fun to be had than posting photos.

Tonight after dinner we are off on a night tour of Venice which should be good as it should be a beautiful night.


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