Jan and Russ around Australia

Sunday, August 20, 2006


We had a big day yesterday. Mick had to work, so we took ourselves to central London by train. It was all going really well until Russ raced ahead of me to catch a train. He got on, the doors closed and I was left standing on the platform. A nice couple saw it happen and asked if we both had mobile phones. I explained we were Australian, on holiday with no phones. They then asked what our plan was if we were seperated. I said there was no plan but I was standing still. Russ went to the next station and got off, when the next train came in, he had a quick look through the carriages and they spotted him and told him I was waiting behind for him. It's funny now, but I was fairly pissed off at the time!

Eventually we arrived in the city and spent a really long, interesting day at The Tower of London. It was really busy (Summer School Holidays here), but amazing and hard to believe some parts of it have stood since the 1100s. I especially liked seeing the suits of armour that had been made for the different princes and kings through the ages, the Crown Jewels and the grafitti that prisoners carved into the stone walls of the various towers.

The Tower of London

Guarding the Crown Jewels

After the Tower, we took a cruise down the Thames to rest our legs. It was really cheap (9 pounds return for two by using our travel cards) and a great look at the places of interest on the river.

The Tower Bridge<

We got home just after 6 and had a great Chinese takeaway from the restaurant next door, watched a bit of telly then went to bed exhausted.

Today we are off to watch Mick umpire Aussie Rules at Clapham Common and then Russ is cooking us all roast pork. Tomorrow Mick, Russ and I are off to the British Museum.


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