Jan and Russ around Australia

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Lamb's Fry and Crabs

It’s Wednesday 8th now and we’ve decided to stay on here in Streaky bay for another 10 days. That meant moving the van a couple of sites yesterday as the one we were on is booked early next week.

Don who lives opposite us now came and showed us how to put our anti-flap bars on the awning and sent Russell of to buy some guy ropes for it so it feels much more secure now. Putting up the bars means it’s now simple (but a bit time consuming) to put the annex up and putting the annex up will mean Devi can sleep out there rather than under the table here inside with us.

Lunch time yesterday, we were invited to the BBQ’s to share a big pile of crabs with everyone. They are all running out of fridge and freezer space, so the crab shad to go. Russ and I were only too happy to help! After lunch, Russ went and bought our won crabbing gear because they are everywhere out there and dead easy to catch.

I learned a new card game with a couple of the women, whilst Doug and Russell went fishing. It was a bit of a lean afternoon for them, only bringing back one whiting and 1 crab (they caught him on a line) we cooked the crab this morning.

We were to have an offal night last night, but that had to be changed to tonight as the butcher shop was closed Monday and we wanted fresh brains and lamb’s fry. I’m doing about 3 frys, bacon, onion and gravy, then I’ll eat sausages with the other 4 who don’t eat offal (probably plenty in the sausages anyway!!!!).

I love it here and wish we were staying longer, but now we know it, I’m sure we’ll always make time to stop in on the way past. It’s such a relaxing pretty place.


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