Jan and Russ around Australia

Friday, July 07, 2006

Cod and a Lost Rod

Sunday we headed in to the Exmouth market. It was a total waste of time except that we needed fresh milk and bread. After that we took the boat to one of the ramps and put it in for some fishing inside the reef.

We got off to a bit of a bad start when Russ forgot to put those bungs in AGAIN!!! I was watching the other boats negotiate the channel out when I turned round to find the boat filling with water. We had to get the trailer, load the boat back on and empty it of water!

After my humor improved, we had a lovely day out on the water. Lots of dolphins swam by very close to our boat, a huge turtle passed us and we saw a fair sized shark out of the water and obviously attacking something. The wind was pretty good, so we were drifting and fishing when we went over a reef and spotted a lot of huge fish beneath us. Next minute, Russ’s good rod and reel got dragged into the water and disappeared. I could only laugh which probably didn’t thrill Russ. We ended the day with a good feed of cod and no rod!

Monday we went fishing again. We’d decided not to worry too much about bringing any fish home (because we were having chicken sausages for dinner that night and steak Tuesday night), so just caught and released them. It was a wonderful day that got off to a good start with the bungs being put in before we launched the boat!!!!! No rods were lost and we decided this part of Ningaloo Reef is the best for fishing (for us). Most of the time the water is so clear you can see the bottom and we reckon of the 500 species of fish on the reef we have caught about 50 of them. We saw a pod of 6 dolphins very (very) close by and after watching the film at Monkey Mia we could tell they were fishing. It was quite a display! They leap from the water to tell others they’ve found fish, circle the fish to keep them together then thump the water with their tails to stun the fish. We know (from the film) that 5 would have been guarding the fish while one went in to eat, then they change places until all of them have eaten. It went on for about an hour. I can’t believe we can take our little boat out and see all these amazing things.


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