Jan and Russ around Australia

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Back in Perth

Yesterday we left Denham and our boat and van (quite sad) and headed to Perth-I almost got run off the road by a silly old fart towing a van on the road out of Denham. He mustn’t have seen me overtaking him and drifted right over the white line just as I neared his rear bumper. I ended up in the gravel doing 110km and praying our travel insurance was good!!!!. Russell also had exactly the same thing happen on the highway but he had a bit more of a shoulder on the road to use to pass. Any wonder caravanner’s have got such a bad name!

We travelled to Geralton via the scenic Chapman Valley then at Dongara we turned off the highway and took the Midland route to Perth to see if there were any flowers. No flowers, but a bit greener, sheep cattle and wheat farms and a few bends and hills, so it was good. The only problem was finding accommodation. It was getting quite late when we finally found a room in a pub in the tiny town of Watheroo. What a great night that turned out-the moment we arrived the barmaid and the chef/manager were so kind and helpful, then the locals all so friendly. It was great. The food was good, the drinks reasonably priced and the atmosphere was wonderful. Sometimes you can feel a bit of an outsider in those little country towns, but not there.

The chef warned me a train would be coming through at midnight and it might give me a bit of a shock. SHOCK? It sounded like it was coming through the wall of our room. The pub is the old railway station and tea rooms, so you can imagine how close the train was. Russ and I went for a walk along the old platform outside our room this morning while Tom (the chef) made our breakfast! As we left Tom suggested it might be a good idea if we went back that way to Denham when we get back from our holiday.

Today we’ve come through New Norcia (a beautiful and historic monastery town) and into Perth via the Swan Valley-we arrived home here at Leah, Blair and Todd’s at 12.15pm. Now it’s only 4 sleeps ‘til we fly out.


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