Jan and Russ around Australia

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Packed Up and Ready to GO

Todd flew home to Perth this morning after 4 nights with us-we really enjoyed having him to stay and wish more of you would do the same. We only had 1 tripe out with Brice, but he and Russ took our boat out 3 times. They didn't have a real lot of success until a neighbour suggested they put the boat in further away.

Yesterday they went to Eagle Bluff and after travelling down a fairly hairy 4WD track, put it in on the beach. They caught lots of fish-mostly JUST undersize, but brought home a couple of really nice snapper which we ate for dinner. Todd's was of course the biggest, because he is the better fisherman ;-)

We had to move into a cabin last night as there wasn't a van site available for us. It's been a real blessing as we have been able to park the van out front and sort our clothes and belongings out for our trip next week. We've also been able to give the van and boat a real tidy out (the car still needs a wash though) before storing them. It also means we are packed to go-all the descisions as to what to take and what to leave are made! Our time in perth will me much more relaxing without all this still to be done.

I had just put dinner on when Brice and his lady friend Phyllis called up to suggest we go out to dinner tonight-so now tonights dinner will become tomorrows in Geraldton. Then it's Perth on Thursday and off on Tuesday. It's almost here.


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