Jan and Russ around Australia

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Streaky Bay-Russell's 60th

Russell’s 60th birthday went off well. Friday night, 20 of us went over to the local football club for dinner. Annie made the cake as promised. The club rooms were cool, the meal was cheap and cheerful like the drinks and a great time was had by all. The cake was a large round sponge, covered in cream grated flake and 6 candles. When Russ cut the cake, that’s exactly what it was-a sponge!!!! The whole dining room and kitchen just about wet themselves laughing when he tried to cut it! Now I realize why she was so keen to offer to make it when we’d only just met.

Friday afternoon, Russell and Doug went over to the Back Beach where Russell had a lot of fun catching 4 salmon-the largest about 2kg-with his new surf rod (bought with a gift voucher given to him by some of his students). They are all neatly cut up and over in the camp kitchen freezer waiting to be used as crab bait!

On his actual birthday, we went fishing for the afternoon, then out to dinner at the pub by ourselves, and came back for a few drinks at the BBQs with our friends. 3 vans left Saturday morning, so the numbers are gradually thinning, but I suppose we’ll met more people to take their places. Thanks to all of you who wrote or phoned on the day, he really appreciated it and had a great birthday-one I think he’ll remember for ever.

Tonight, 12 of us are having a casserole dinner, I’m making a curry. It’s really a lot of fun to plan and eat together. I think it’s been like school camp for adults staying here.

The wind blew up in the night-a bit of a dust storm, and then it rained. Russ was out at 5am helping Pat and Alf behind us to put their awning away. Another awing got ripped off, and I’m sure ours would have if Don over the way hadn’t shown us how to use our anti-flap bars and told us to put a couple of guy ropes on-it didn’t move an inch! It encouraged us to have a good clean up of the site and van this morning, so that feels good.

They have been shooting starlings in the park at dusk which freaks Devi out. Whilst we were at the club on Friday night, Helen from next door came and sat in here with her (we’d left the door unlocked as usual!) then last night, Don and Judith took her home while we were at the pub. I reckon as we travel people will remember her more than us!


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