Jan and Russ around Australia

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wedding Anniversary and Razor Fish

Russ and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary on March the 20th with another days fishing. We managed to catch ourselves a feed of fish, but had already bought ourselves a couple of lovely pieces of fresh flake and some king prawns, so another feed went in the freezer. I reckon a day spent fishing is much more relaxing than a day spent getting married.

We ate our flake with a chilli-garlic prawn sauce and washed it down with a NZ Sav Blanc which was all pretty good.

We do a lot of our fishing with razor fish which Russ and Devi go collect of a morning while the tide is low. Our neighbours were cooking them last night and offered me a taste. I’m a bit squeamish about shell fish, but thought I’d like to try them. Once I got over the idea of them being bait, I decided they were delicious. Russ went out and got our bag limit of them this morning and cleaned them up to take over to Blair, Leah and Todd. It seems you can do anything with them that you would use crab or scallops for and the Japanese take them for sashimi.

Today we went fishing again and caught a beautiful flounder and a huge whiting amongst other things. Russ was bringing in a big salmon (to be thrown back) when I saw what I thought must be a sea snake. It turned out to be the biggest whiting we have seen and Russ was clever enough to land it-it almost seems a shame it’s dinner tonight. Tonight we’re cheating and buying a few chips from the park kiosk –those, the fish and a salad will be great!


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