Jan and Russ around Australia

Saturday, April 08, 2006


We arrived in Perth yesterday about 12ish. It was our plan to go through to the caravan park at Burns Beach, set up, then come back and spend the night at Blair and Leah's. In the end, we parked the van in their driveway and slept out there. They have Todd and another couple here, so we'd have had to put Todd out of his bed to stay the night. Having the van here worked really well.

This morning, Russ, Blair and Chris have gone to look at a house for sale, and the rest of us are just lazing about enjoying the 30c temps by the pool. We'll move on to the park this afternoon.
Tomorrow, Leah and I are off to the markets, Blair is off to golg and Russ and Todd plan to take the boat and do a bit of fishing in the Swan River.


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